Monday, November 26, 2012

Shiro Bekko KOI

Shiro Bekko are solid white koi with Black spotted markings. The Black should appear only above the lateral line. The white base color should be thick, solid, and blemish free. The black should be thick, and solid such as lacquer.

Shiro Bekko are generally not as popular as most other KOI varieties so they are usually not intentionally bred for. Shiro Bekko can be produced from several different spawning combinations but the best ones often will come from Sanke. Shiro Bekko are basically the same as Sanke, just without the Hi Markings.

Old style bekko contain a lot of smaller spots, where as the modern day bekko have a sparser distribution of larger Markings.

Terms To Know
Shiro - White
Sumi - Black
Hi - Red or Orange

Ginrin Shiro Bekko

Shiro Bekko

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